A few years ago, Thomas de Maiziere was seen as the leading candidate to succeed Angela Merkel in a future "undefined". If he lacked charisma somehow, this offset competence and reliability, the same features that have catapulted him to the head of the German Chancellery. Already interior minister 61-year-old, a Protestant severe that earned the nickname "waster paper" because the documents immense produced during the period as defense minister, appears to have damaged its image because of allegations that there rakordoi time Berlin's response to the refugee crisis. Irrevocable resignation on Thursday of Manfred Schmidt, head of the German Agency for Refugees (BAMF), appears unlikely to silence critics, among them the head of Merkel's Bavarian allies, the Christian Social Union (CSU), the who said among other things that De Maiziere has taken so long to recognize the depth of the problem of asylum seekers and reacted too passively when the crisis "knocked" on the door. Politicians in Berlin, many of whom are raising doubts whether De Maiziere - born in Bonn, and recognizes Chancellor for 25 years, even serving as chief of staff to her - may be "sacrifice" of the order between a broad range of loyal allies of Merkel, who have fallen one after another ever since it came to power in 2005. This would be a huge blow to self Merkel, who a week ago was celebrating the opening of doors to refugees who were fleeing conflicts in the Middle East, but already is being criticized by media encouragement of involuntary asylum seekers who intend to go just in Germany. However, she handed De Maizierit, which last Sunday announced that the government would correct its course followed by so far, announcing the return of border controls in order to stem the flow of refugees.