Turkey, Davutoglu is expected to present a technical cabinet Erdogan

Incumbent Prime Minister of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoglu has announced that it will present the President of the country, Tayyip Erdogan, a list with the names of the interim cabinet with power divided between all parties during the afternoon hours of the swelling.
The new cabinet, which is expected to have at least two names from the opposition party prokurde the HPD will have the duty of the Turkish leadership to the early parliamentary elections on 1 November.
And, as it usually happens before the election, a recent survey of the company "Gezici" indicates that the ruling AK Party, founded by current President Erdogan, is not expected to win enough votes to be able to form a government alone after the election November 1, as currently quoted with 38.9 per cent support, from 40.7 percent it had in June elections.
On 7 June vote, the AK Party lost the absolute majority for the first time since coming to power in 2002, while its leader, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu invited opposition leaders to join an interim cabinet.
Poll "Gezici" -t indicates that the current support for the secular main opposition party, CHP, is the quota of 27.8 per cent for the nationalist MHP at 16.3 percent, while the HDP-in prokurde quota of 13.5 per cent.
Meanwhile, another poll this week's issue of Erdogan's party, AK, with 41.7 percent of support among the people.

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