US, time bomb upset, arrested 14-year-old

US, time bomb upset, arrested 14-year-old a 14-year-old was arrested in Texas after he had gone to school with one hour he had built himself, but doubted that it was the bomb. Muslim boy stated that he had brought to school clock to show engineering professor. The arrest of Ahmed Mohamed, whose family is originally from Sudan, has caused great reactions, prompting President Obama to invite to the White House. "Hours of fun, Ahmed. He wants to bring to the White House? We need to inspire more kids like you who love science. This is what makes America great, "Obama wrote on Twitter. An invitation to meet has become even Marck Zuckerberg, who said that children like Ahmed should be congratulated rather than be arrested. He invited him to the offices of Facebook and encouraged to continue to create. In social networks it has had many reactions, including some NASA scientists. Immediately created the hashtag "#IstandwithAhmed". Council of American Muslims said they would do an investigation of this incident, and the police said that they are very careful about any information that has to do with a bomb. Ahmed had shown his professor clock while he was congratulated, but also advised her not to show any other professor. During a lecture other, the clock had issued a sound, which scared a professor who also had notified authorities. "It looked like a bomb," he said. Ahmed family were very angry, because they said that their son is prejudice on grounds of origin and fesës she belongs.
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