Refugees flock to Slovenia, Prime Minister: I would not go back to a transit

After Hungary and Croatia, thousands of refugees desperate to reach Europe addressed Slovenia, which is facing a growing influx of immigrants. Croatia counted 6 thousand people who have crossed the border. A significant proportion of them are registered, while Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic said that the situation is under control. According to him, if the influx continues to grow, the need for the government to take additional measures. But Slovenia remained outside this nexus. Prime Minister Miro Cerar said that the country will respect the rules of the area "Schengen" will also accept requests for asylum, but would not allow Slovenia to return as a transit country for refugees. Meanwhile, Norway has pledged 7.6 million dollars in aid to support the refugees in Serbia and Macedonia. Foreign Minister, Borge Brende commended Serbian authorities for the generosity shown towards immigrants, although the economic situation there is very difficult. But although welcoming, there were conflicts on the border between Croatia and Serbia. The same situation aggravated in the border continues to Germany Austria. The Berlin government has received 800 thousand refugees, at least 4 times more than any other European country
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