Venezuela and Colombia have recalled their ambassadors in their respective countries, after a diplomatic crisis that erupted after Venezuela closed two border crossings and expelled thousands of Colombians. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro decided to close border crossings last week after a clash between smugglers and armed forces, which left three soldiers wounded. He said he was closing the border for an indefinite period, and was casting Colombians to "hit" gangs. On the other hand, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said he wants this to be resolved through diplomacy, but can not allow Venezuela to behave in this way with Colombians. According to him, the families who were expelled from Colombia are out on the street like animals. Santos is accusing the Venezuelan leader that is creating unnecessary conflicts only to distract attention from domestic problems related to the economy. 1,100 Colombians living in Venezuela have been evicted since the closure of the border, but Santos said that another 5,000 have left voluntarily.